Here in Arizona, Spring has just about fully left us to our familiar old friend Summer. The temperatures are rising and the sun is blasting us with its rays. While the higher temps mean more summertime fun activities, it also means our exposure to possible injuries increases as well. Asphalt paving the streets absorbs massive amounts of solar energy and if you are not careful can mean a quick burn. Here are some facts about asphalt and heat.
Asphalt by its nature absorbs lots of heat. The dark color doesn’t reflect the light back into the environment but stores all as heat, and since the structure of asphalt is dense it retains that hear for longer. Asphalt can be 40-60 degrees hotter than the surrounding air temperature. So those common 100 plus summer days can mean we’re moving about on a surface as hot as 160 degrees! Obviously, the key to avoiding any burns is to wear shoes or anything on your feet that acts as a barrier. Spending even a few short minutes bare footed on the asphalt can result in burns or blisters. Children, especially those under five years of age are prone to burns as their skin is softer than an adults skin.
Your feet aren’t the only ones at danger in the summer heat. If you have a furry family friend you need to be aware of how the ground heat of asphalt can harm them as well. To test, place the back of your hand to the asphalt for seven seconds. If it is too hot for you to stand, it is certainly too hot for your dog’s paws. At 125 degrees the skin of your pup’s paws can be damaged in 60 seconds. Remember, that’s the temperature of the asphalt, that means if the air temperature is as cool as 77 degrees it can still be too hot for Fido.
Avoid burning your feet and those of your furry friends by taking the necessary precautions before risking a walks.